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Meeting Critical Healthcare Needs During COVID-19:

A Case Study of Lite Source's Collaboration with Atria Senior Living

Written by Allie Blanford


Lite Source, a company specializing in medical supplies and equipment, found itself at the forefront of healthcare support during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a customer base deeply rooted in the medical industry, Lite Source's commitment to accuracy, customer-focus, and genuine care became paramount when faced with unprecedented challenges


In March 2020, as the world grappled with the impacts of COVID-19, Atria Senior Living, a national network of senior living facilities, urgently required a substantial quantity of medical supplies, including Welch Allyn thermometers, blood pressure machines, and disinfectants. The vulnerability of seniors to the virus heightened the urgency of the situation, making timely procurement a matter of life and death.


Lite Source's longstanding relationships with medical suppliers positioned it as a trusted partner for Atria Senior Living. Despite the near-impossible task of sourcing 250,000 thermometer probe covers and securing disinfectants amid global shortages, Lite Source's team sprang into action.


Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Lite Source's sales team immediately engaged Welch Allyn, initiating daily calls with Welch Allyn  sales and warehouse managers. Persistence and resourcefulness became the guiding principles as Lite Source navigated backorders and scarcity. Nights were spent scouring for available products to ensure swift ordering upon availability.


Through unwavering dedication, Lite Source successfully procured almost the entire requested quantity of Welch Allyn probe covers and blood pressure devices. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of alcohol swabs were sourced to bolster Atria's disinfection efforts. This collaboration allowed Atria Senior Living to maintain a safe environment for its residents, defying the odds when many deemed it impossible.


Lite Source's experience highlighted the critical importance of adaptability, persistence, and customer-centricity in times of crisis. The genuine care demonstrated towards Atria Senior Living not only fulfilled immediate needs but also strengthened partnerships and trust within the healthcare procurement ecosystem.


In a time marred by uncertainty and scarcity, Lite Source's commitment to accuracy, customer-focus, and genuine care shone through. This case study serves as a testament to the resilience of healthcare providers and suppliers working together to safeguard vulnerable communities during unprecedented challenges.
Meeting Critical Healthcare Needs During COVID-19:

A Case Study of Lite Source's Collaboration with Atria Senior Living

Written by Allie Blanford


Lite Source, a company specializing in medical supplies and equipment, found itself at the forefront of healthcare support during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a customer base deeply rooted in the medical industry, Lite Source's commitment to accuracy, customer-focus, and genuine care became paramount when faced with unprecedented challenges


In March 2020, as the world grappled with the impacts of COVID-19, Atria Senior Living, a national network of senior living facilities, urgently required a substantial quantity of medical supplies, including Welch Allyn thermometers, blood pressure machines, and disinfectants. The vulnerability of seniors to the virus heightened the urgency of the situation, making timely procurement a matter of life and death.


Lite Source's longstanding relationships with medical suppliers positioned it as a trusted partner for Atria Senior Living. Despite the near-impossible task of sourcing 250,000 thermometer probe covers and securing disinfectants amid global shortages, Lite Source's team sprang into action.


Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Lite Source's sales team immediately engaged Welch Allyn, initiating daily calls with Welch Allyn  sales and warehouse managers. Persistence and resourcefulness became the guiding principles as Lite Source navigated backorders and scarcity. Nights were spent scouring for available products to ensure swift ordering upon availability.


Through unwavering dedication, Lite Source successfully procured almost the entire requested quantity of Welch Allyn probe covers and blood pressure devices. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of alcohol swabs were sourced to bolster Atria's disinfection efforts. This collaboration allowed Atria Senior Living to maintain a safe environment for its residents, defying the odds when many deemed it impossible.


Lite Source's experience highlighted the critical importance of adaptability, persistence, and customer-centricity in times of crisis. The genuine care demonstrated towards Atria Senior Living not only fulfilled immediate needs but also strengthened partnerships and trust within the healthcare procurement ecosystem.


In a time marred by uncertainty and scarcity, Lite Source's commitment to accuracy, customer-focus, and genuine care shone through. This case study serves as a testament to the resilience of healthcare providers and suppliers working together to safeguard vulnerable communities during unprecedented challenges.